So now the best time of the year can start. Cold, windy, rainy and dark. In Belgium there is daylight now only rom 08.30hrs till 16.30hrs, and on a rainy day even 1 hous less. Sweden is even better. I do believe that there are 2 types of human beings. Some of us like warmth, sunshine and dry weather, others like me the opposite. So I'm enjoying every single minute of it. It's strange to see for some you, but I get an enormous energy boost at this point of the year.
Another thing is that I can put my christmas tree. So that's what I did yesterday. It was delivered yesterday, and is 2,8m high. I've been gathering old stuff, I bought on all kinds of strange places, some even came from Sweden. It has all kinds of colors and shapes, and it has old twinkling lights, as I used to see when I was still living at home.
Now here you see the tree before and after.
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