That's what I am about the fact that nature should be closer in my life than now. If you spend 4 days on Samsoe, you know that living on an island is a very different life than living in a big city like Antwerp. No strange smells, no noises, no lights... At least, not when you don't ask for them. Vegatables that taste like vegatables, traffic that is meant for going from A to B and as a life on itself.
Sam and I left Belgium on Fridayevening at about 19.45hrs and arrived in Hamburg at 00.20hrs, the next day we drove from Hamburg up to Hov in about 3.5hrs, than a ferry for 1.5hrs and that brought us at Saelvig at 13.30hrs. And is it not fantastic if, when the big doors of the ferry open, that there are 2 people waiting for you? Sam and I know some people living on the island, who have been so kind to show us around on the island. They even invited us on New Years day for a fantastic Scandinavian lunch. Scandinavians eat a lot of dishes, which after you've started fill your stomach up to the top! Especially if this goes in combination with local beers and Aquavit. The singing is an important part of it, though we had to behave a little so I didn't go all the way.
This New Years weekend on a quiet island was a try-out for Sam and me, and it was a success.
Samsoe, We will be back!
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