måndag, juli 09, 2007

Only 12 days to go...

... before I start my journey back to Uppsala. With very different feelings than last year. First of all I know where I'm heading. So there's a little less mystery involved. Secondly there's lots of people visiting me. Starting with my mum. I'm surprised as I'd never thought she would come to a country that isn't her first holiday destination. Though I'm sure she's wondering what Sweden is like in summertime. Than Sam ofcourse. He'll be travelling back and forth between Antwerp and Uppsala like last year. During the second weekend 2 friends of Sam will be heading to the capital of Scandinavia for a week or so. Not to forget my teacher who is travelling to Uppsala, and another 2 friends of Sam spending an entire 2 weeks with us in Uppsala and the rest of Sweden and Samsoe. So for me this is more a month of holiday combined with studying, the best I can dream of.
Than last but not least the fact that a lot has changed. These changes have brought me closer to Sweden than I could have ever dreamt. Working for Star Alliance under a SAS umbrella makes me feel very relaxed. I'm in contact with Sweden every day, and it's like looking at your destination that gently and slowly is approaching.
Most of all I'm looking forward of escaping this country again with all its difficulties, like pollution people thinking only about themselves, dense and dangerous traffic etc. When I'm stepping in my car on Saterday morning the 21st it's like stepping into a boat that floats on a river with no captain but you know that it is arriving on the right spot.
So the planning looks like this: Departure early 21st heading for Copenhagen. I should be taking the ferry in Puttgarten at around 16.00hrs and arriving at a friends place in Copenhagen around 18.00hrs. The day after leaving CPH at around 10 to be able to reach Stockholm in the late afternoon, dropping off some more luggage at an old neighbour, that moved last week to STO. By the early evening I should be arriving in Uppsala, and hopefully seeing back some friends. Here I stay for around 3 weeks seeing lot's of people and going to class every day between 09.00hrs and 16.00hrs. After those 3 weeks Sam and me and with 2 friends travel back to Luckerstad first (near Vadstena) and than to Gotegorg for 2 nights. And last but not least, the big cherry on the cake will be Samsoe for 4 nights. Isn't this fantastic??
OK, stop dreaming for a few days still.
This weblog will be your place for all the new stories. So if you're wondering where I am, check out this place every day.

Vi ses,


3 kommentarer:

Eef sa...

Hallo Jeroen,

Je hebt vast een druk programma maar als je een gaatje vindt, altijd welkom bij ons in Grillby (35 km van Uppsala) !! of kom eens langs op het werk: Skoklosters slott moet je gezien hebben, en het is een heerlijke plek voor een weekenduitstapje.
Misschien tot ziens?

snowflake sa...

Dag Eef. Leuk dat je iets laat weten. Wel Skokloster zit helemaal int programma. Mijn moeder komt op bezoek en die wil dat zeker zien. Welke dagen werk je er?

Eef sa...

In principe elke werkdag (maar weekend kan ook), week 32 ben ik vrij maar als we in het land zijn kunnen we afspreken! Mijn mail: eefgeussens@hotmail.com en telefoonnr. 0046 73 0211340. Je laat maar iets horen. Veel plezier met de cursus, hopelijk word het beter weer en kan je gaan zwemmen (was een van je favorieten las ik). Zelf heb ik in 2004 zomercursus gevolgd bij UISS in Uppsala en toen was Monica (achternaam ben ik kwijt) mijn juf. Nu zit ze bij jullie zag ik. Ik vond haar erg sympathiek...