Hey all,
now that I've been back from Sweden for about 2 weeks, I start to get used to the Belgian habits again. The speed that people live their lifes here is much higher, and therefore much more stressful. I try to surf through trains, traffic, shops, work etc at my own speed, and that's not easy. Whatever you do in this country needs to be done a quick and fast way. As a consequence people do lots of things without considering before doing something whether they have to do it at all. Just going to a shop here, represents so much how much people aren't aware that they on a fast running train. Queing is always a small fight. Stainding in que isn't nice, for nobody. But it gets really bad when people try to avoid that que, bu bypassing it, not considering the otherones. You would never see that in Sweden, probably because a far less existing.
To solve this I should go in politics with a program that starts from 1 idea, and that is that we need much less people in this world. This globe is way too overcrowded, and has enormous consequences on each and everyone of us. But yeah, I'm not naieve... Going in politics in Belgium is like ending your life. Than I prefer to move... :)
Enjoy the pictures, Jn.
1 kommentar:
heeeu heeu, zweudse vreundjeus! Het is effe geleden dat we jullie nog zagen/hoorden. Maar ik heb je blog snel even gelezen en ben weer helemaal op to date ;-) Mijn zomeravonden zitten er weer op, dus het wordt tijd dat we nog es een (verwarmd) terrasje gaan doen! heup teu seu yeu seun.!!
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